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Planet Patrol

During a internship at NASA Goddard, which I obtained in 2020 for two months, I worked on the vetting of exoplanet candidates discovered with space missions via photometric transit. 


Together with my internship supervisor Veselin Kostov and other researchers based at NASA Goddard, the citizen science project "Planet Patrol" started. 


Hosted on Zooniverse, this project aims at exploiting the interest of many non-professionals to classify real images from the NASA's TESS space mission with the aim of discerning candidates from false positives. 

While one cannot "see" exoplanets with data such as the one from TESS, difference imaging techniques can aid to find imposters.


You can read more here and check out the papers that came out of this collaboration here. Each citizen scientists that collaborated with us is a co-author on these works.


Our work was featured on both the NASA (here) and INAF (here) press release pages.

Screenshot 2023-07-29 at 19.22.06.png

Layout of the "Planet Patrol" project on Zooniverse.

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